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Caledonia Children's Advocacy Center

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The Caledonia Children's Advocacy Center (CCAC) coordinates an integrated multidisciplinary response to victims of child physical and sexual abuse that holds offenders accountable, reduces trauma, promotes advocacy and supports healing of those affected by these offenses within our community.

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What is a CAC?

A CAC is a place where victims of sexual abuse or serious physical abuse of children can receive support. Our goal is to provide a location where victims and their family members will feel safe and can receive support for the variety of problems associated with these crimes. The Caledonia Children's Advocacy Center is dedicated to supporting victims and educating the community about child abuse. 

Our Victim Advocate takes time to talk with victims and their families to provide referrals to specialized medical providers, trauma focused mental health providers, and other services needed all under one roof! We have the ability to connect you with local services to help with the healing process and navigate the criminal justice and judicial system.

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